Healing through the Home is brought to you, Rebecca Gitana Torres, a multi-dimensional entrepreneur and Woman of service.
Rebecca Gitana is known as an Interior & Lifestyle Designer who has been creating the connection between home health and our personal health for the last ten years.
Within this time she has studied human behavior within the home and how our environment effects our outlook and spiritual / emotional health. Through mindful Interior Design, Clutter Clearing, Feng Shui principles, Color Therapy and more she has transformed the perception of what it means to “live well”.
Rebecca is known as a Curandera and a Spiritual Counselor who provides Guided Transformations through her one on one sessions. These sessions include energetic works and incorporate: breath, touch and talk therapy, crystals, sound, smoke and more to guide her clients towards their next phase of transformation.
Publicly, she is also known as a media personality, and Artist. In recent years she self produced her show, “Lifestyle Remix TV” on NYC Public Television. This show demonstrated what it means to transform (remix) your life via Home & Garden as well as connecting to Spirit & Culture. This program was award nominated locally for the WOW Factor in both programming and on air talent.
Rebecca has also been featured on National platforms for her Artistry and overall presence. Throughout the years she has been invited to speak on high profile panels, provide key note speeches and emcee events for major organizations, non-profits and national brands.
Rebecca is proudly of Puerto Rican descent and is strongly connected to her island and the preservation of her Indigenous and diverse culture. She is also a servant of our Mother Earth and is currently focused on projects to protect our waterways and our glorious planet on a whole.